Feasibility Studies

U.S Builders takes costs and time of delivery responsibility- Before you get started, you need to know where you want to go, what will be involved, and what it should cost you to get there. U.S. Builders brings your construction and remodeling ideas to reality after reviewing with you the options best suited to your project, all to establish:

•   Project cost projections

•    Design concepts for cost efficiency

•   Alternatives for energy efficiency

•    Maximization of space

•   Considerations for future maintenance and upkeep

•   Environmental impact

•   Need for specialized surveys, etc.


Interior Design

Every construction and remodeling project needs a touch of interior design

 The beauty of building, remodeling, and restoring homes and offices resides in making spaces more appealing, comfortable, and pleasing to the eye. Interior details also raise the bar in home appraisals and increase the perceptual (and actual) value of property.

At U.S. Builders, we acknowledge the importance of interior design concepts. We give our clients help in making their space beautiful as well as functional. But don’t take our word for it – see what our clients say about our creativity and taste!

Architectural Concepts

U.S. Builders founder Cyrus Von Westfalen, adds his knowledge and experience as a certified architect (in Germany) and incorporates a wealth of design ideas inspired in European new and classic trends into every work to make it upscale and unique without braking your bank account.U.S. Builders is with you in every step of the process

The company offers Architectural Concepts in regards to:

  • Design of the architectural style and details of the project

  • Plans for space use, lighting, home or office sound systems

  • Customized solutions for special needs like home office, in-law suites, seniors, clients with disabilities

  • The right balance between cost and design


Communication is U.S. Builders’ best tool to meet client’s expectations through every stage of the process. Architectural Concepts can be provided before or during the development of your construction projects.


Renovation Services

A 2011 survey by Remodeling and Building magazines 3000 people including homeowners and renters found that 57% of seniors and 47% of adults preferred to remodel their existing homes rather than moving into new homes because remodeling updates a good home to suit the owner’s unique needs, and makes it great. Remodeling also offers a less expensive alternative to new homes construction, and brings with it the benefit of increased market value.

U.S. builders understands your different needs and how to achieve them and offer top quality renovation services for the most demanding of clientele. Whether you want to make your home better suited to your needs, or prepare it for sale at the highest possible return, talk to us about how to achieve your goals.


Custom Home Builder

In new home construction, it’s the details that count. The details – whether its placement of natural lighting features, a customized home spa experience, an airy space for your style of entertaining, or a design that maximizes your family’s privacy – are what add value to your new home and give it your personal stamp. At U.S. Builders, we are all about the details, which is why so many of our clients have given our construction services a “luxury service” rating.

We dedicate ourselves to balancing budget, beauty, and time. Throughout it all, we maintain close communication with our clients. We are custom home builders.

Construction Management

Project planning and construction management

U.S. Builders’ construction management offers top quality; our staff is responsive, reliable, and timely. We work closely with our clients to understand and respond to their questions. We strive to meet schedules and stay within projected budgets.

As part of our commitment to luxury construction services, we keep construction inconveniences and closures to the minimum. We understand that we are there to make things better, not worse, and we are guests in your home. Many of our remodeling clients have expressed that they don’t even noticed our presence in their homes, as projects were finished fast leaving living spaces spotless, with no signs of a busy construction crew!